Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Meet the Presses: Indie Literary Market

There were over a thousand people at the Indie Literary Market yesterday. It was a great success. The organizers were hoisted up by the merry public in a parade that went down Bloor St. and ended up on bpNichol Lane, past Margaret Atwood's house, and then around the poetry section of This Aint the Rosedale Library. They were showered with saddle-stitching by grateful readers. They were rained on by colourful Lincoln-green-clad serifs, and then again by the little h's that the people neglected to put in as the second letter of 'serif.' "Oops, they said, delightedly. The same reader-people-poetry-consumers who previously had been waving their long-arm staplers back in forth in time to an anthem performed by Paul Dutton on whistle. The same readers who had covered themselves in coverstockand (B)e(a)rskine and sang the Rabbi song from Proper Tales' new collection, while dancing the powerwalking Gestures of the steadily pulling dog . The same readers who had dialed 911 repeatedly on the special Emergency Response Unit well-designed telephone ("I particularly like the choice of contrasting receiver/earpiece colours and the useful knots that the cord was tied in," they exclaimed) and contacted the Indie Press Beast Signification Gone Wild Emergency Squad. "Um yeah, it was as if the body of publishing had been turned inside out and its vitals were on the outside," said one happy reader, surrounded by his children, his grandchildren, and the pulsating innards of local writers.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

In celebration of Tori

Here are assembled the Bookfriends' books which are -- tomorrow -- going to be wending their way to the PICU at the Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon.

There is much joy, pleasure, creativity, energy, hope, courage, vitality, and humour to be found in the small space of these 49 books. These qualities were found in abundance in Tori's life. We hope that these books serve as a tribute to Tori and help share in the celebration of what she brought to the world and to those who knew and loved her.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bookplate for Books for Tori

Here is what I was thinking about for the bookplate for the books. I made the little image in Photoshop.