Saturday, September 8, 2007


Awkward grammar appals a craftsman. A Dada bard as daft as Tzara damns stagnant art and scrawls an alpha (a slapdash arc and a backward jag) that mars all stanzas and jams all ballads (what a scandal). A madcap vandal crafts a small black ankh – a handstamp that can stamp a wax pad and at last plant a mark that sparks an ars magna (an abstract art that charts a phrasal anagram). A pagan skald chants a dark saga (a Mahabharata), as a papal cabal blackballs all annals and tracts, all dramas and psalms: Kant and Kafka, Marx and Marat. A law as harsh as a fatwa bans all paragraphs that lack an A as a standard hallmark.

Hassan Abd al-Hassad, an Agha Kahn, basks at an ashram – a Taj Mahal that has grand parks and grass lawns, all as vast as parklands at Alhambra and Valhalla. Hassan can, at a handclap, call a vassal at hand and ask that all staff plan a bacchanal – a gala ball that has what pagan charm small galas lack. Hassan claps, and (tah-dah) an Arab lass at a swank spa can draw a man’s bath and wash a man’s bath, as Arab lads fawn and hang, athwart an altar, amaranth garlands as fragrant as attar – a balm that calms all angst. A dwarf can flap a branch that fans a fat maharajah. A naphtha lamp can cast a calm warmth.

Hassan asks that a vassal grant a man what manna a man wants: Alaskan crabs, alfalfa salad and kasha, Malahat clams, lasagna pasta and salsa. Hassan wants Kalamata shawarma, cassabananas and taramasalata. Hassan gnaws at a calf flank and chaws at a lamb shank, as a charman chars a black bass and salts a bland carp. Hassan scarfs back gravlax and sprats, crawdad and prawns, balks at Parma ham, and has, as a snack, carard ò l’ananas safran. Hassan asks that a vassal grant a man jam tarts and bananas, jam flans and carabas, halva, pappadam and challah, babka, fasnacht and baklava.

Hassan can watch cancan gals cha-cha-cha, as brass bands blat jazz razzmatazz (what a class act). Rapt fans at a bandstand can watch jazzbands that scat a waltz and a samba. Fans clap as a fat-cat jazzman and a bad-ass bassman blab gangsta rap – a gangland fad that attacks what Brahms and Franck call art: a Balkan czardas, a Tartar tandava (sarabands that can charm a saltant chap at a danza). Back can craft a Catalan sardana that attracts l’Afghan cantant ò l’amant dansant. A sax drawls tantaras (all A-flats and an A-sharp): fa-la-la-la-la. A maraca rasps cantatas. A lass as sad as a swan twangs a glass harp.

Hassan can ask that a barman at a bar tap a cask and draw a man a draft (half a dram, a glass): marc, grappa and armagnac, malt, arrack an schnapps. Gangs that act as crass as Harvard grads at a frat (Gamma Kappa Lambda) clack tankards and gawk at a gal, as a gal dabs at black mascara. Rash lads that harass vamps and bawds catcall a brash tramp: ‘caramba – what a tart.’ A bacchant lad asks a madam (as drachmas pass hands): ‘what carnal acts can a man transact?’ A gal can grab a man’s balls and wank a man’s shaft; a man can grasp a gal’s bra and spank a gal’s ass. A clasp snaps apart, and a scant shawl falls.

Hassan wants a catnap and grabs, as a calmant, hash, grass and smack, khat, ganja and tabac – an amalgam that can spark a pharmacal flashback. Hassan falls slack, arms asprawl, and has a nap that spawns dark phantasmata. Satan stands back, aback a damask arras, and draws a fractal mandala – a charm that can trap what a Cathar savant calls an ‘astral avatar’ (part man, part bat – all fang and claw) – a phantasm that can snarl and gnash at a carcass. A fantast chants ‘abracadabra’ as a mantra, wags a wand, and (zap) a sandglass cracks. A had as mad as Cassandra warns a shah that bad karma attracts phantasmal cataclasms.

Hassan balks at all sacral tasks – a mass at Sabbath, a fast at Ramadan: ‘what Kabbalah and Brahmana can match blackjack and baccarat?’ Hassan brags that a crackajack champ at cards lacks what knack Hassan has at craps. A cardsharp, smart at canasta, has a scam: mark a pack, palm a jack. (A cardmatch can act as a starchart that maps fata arcana.) A shah hazards all cash, stands pat and calls. A fatal pall wracks a casbah, as a charlatan fans a grandslam hand (‘damn, darn, drat’ rants a braggart). A rascal salaams and thanks Allah that a bank can award a man a stach that drawfs what alms a raj can amass.

Hassan drafts a Magna Carta and asks that a taxman pass a Tax Act – a cash grab that can tax all farmland and grant a dastard at cards what hard cash Hassan lacks. Hassan asks that an apt draftsman map what ranchland a ranchhand can farm: all grasslands and pampas, all marshlands and swamps, flatlands and savannahs (standard badlands that spawn chaparral and crabgrass). Hassan asks that all farmhands at farms plant flax and award Hassan, as a tax, half what straw a landsman can stash at a barn. A ranchman at a ranch warns campagnards that a shah has spat at hard-and-fast laws that ban cadastral graft.

Hassan can tax a Saharan caravan that carts packs and sacks past bazaars at Aswan an Rabat, Basra and Dakar. Stalls at all marts hawk Baccarat glass. Stands at all malls hawk Macassar brass. A haggard almsman can drag a handcart and hawk glass jars (racks and racks): agar-agar – dammar lac and balsam sap (half a franc, a flask). A drab washman, half-clad at a washstand, can wash afghans and caftans, sandals and tabards, as a ragman darns rags and hawks ragtag garb: slacks, pajamas and pants, scarfs, cravats and spats. A chapman and a standard hatstand can hawk panama hats, canvas caps and tartan tams.

Hassan can tax all banal trash that vagrants at a plaza pawn and swap: ant farms and lava lamps, rat traps and lawn darts – chaff and draff that jampacks all trashcans. A trashman and a scrapman can pawn scrap parts: fans, amps and a dashlamp, rads, cams and a camshaft, gas tanks and clamps, car jacks and straps, hand-cranks that can crank a crankshaft. A lampman at a lampstand can hawk Argand lamps (all brands): arc lamps and gas lamps, flashlamps that flash at half a watt. A sawman can hawk all handsaws and hacksaws, all bandsaws and backsaws, sharp saws that saw apart a flat-sawn plank.

Hassan at Arab talks can canvass all satraps and ask that Arab banks back what grand plans Hassan has (damns and canals at Panama, arks and wharfs at Havana – tasks that, as a drawback, warrant what Hassan calls ‘a harsh tax plan’). Hassan lacks tact, and (alas) a rajah’s blatant sarcasm sparks a flagrant backlash as rampant as a vandal’s wrath. Hassan grandstands at a grandstand, as all thralls lash back, wag placards and start brawls that trash rattan cabanas (what a fracas). A maharajah asks that a hangman hang all bastards and laggards that a lawman can catch.

Hassan can watch, aghast, as databanks at NASDAQ graph hard data and chart a NASDAQ crash – a sharp fall that alarms staff at a Manhattan bank. Hassan acts fast, ransacks cashbags at a mad dash, and grabs what bank drafts a bank branch at Casablanca can casg; marks, rands and bahts. Hassan asks that an adman draft a want ad that can hawk what canvas art Hassan has (a Cranach, a Cassatt and a Chagall). Hassan can fast-talk a chap at a watchstand and pawn a small watch that has, as a watchglass, a star padparadschah (half a grand, a carat). A shah can pack a bag, flag a cab and scram, catch-as-catch-can.

Hassan has a dacha at Kazakhstan, and at a small shack Hassan can hatch a dark plan. Hassan wants back what past landmass a shah has had (vacant tracts that span as far as Khanabad and Ashkabad, Kandahar and Samarkand – landmarks that Kazakh anarchs smash apart and sack). Hassan can scan an atlas that maps Madagascar and all lands afar: Java, Malta and Japan, Chad, Ghana and Qatar, Canada and Lapland, Rwanda and Malabar. Hassan can scan an almanac that charts facts and stats at Dallas, Savannah and Atlanta (Kansas, Arkansas and Alabama). Hassan asks that banks at Warsaw and Gdansk fax Hassan a fax.

Hassan can start a war. Hassan marshals an armada that can attack Javan wharfs at Jakarta. Hassan asks that all sampans trawl canals and chart thalassal hazards (sandbanks that can strand a small bark, cataracts that can thwart a balsa raft); catamarans as fast as narwhals dash past a sandbar and ram all naval craft that lack balast at landfall. Masts snap. Spars warp. A gangplank cracks as backwash slams a carrack and swamps a canvas tarp (splash, splash). A raftsman and a hatchman bark ‘avast’ and clamp a hatch, as all hands man a capstan and tack landward, hard abaft. A damp flag flaps at half-mast.

Hassan can watch as all hands land a small warcraft and camp at a lava sandflat – a basalt strand that has tar sands as black as magma ash. Wasps and gnats swarm as all hands stack sandbags and start a Spartan camp. A campman, smart at campcraft, can spark a match and warm as ashpan that thaws what hardtack a clan wants: bran mash and lard, spam hash and salt, ballpark franks and flapjack stacks (all starch and fat). A packman at camp packs a backpack, a knapsack and a packsack. A watchman stands watch, as all ranks at dawn act as pawn that can marshall adamant brawn and march a harsh warpath.

Hassan can watch as a marksman tracks a stag, a hart and a fawn, and at last bags a ram (a bwana as smart as Tarzan can trap all mammals: alpacas and llamas, caracals and pandas, aardvarks that can catch larval ants). Hawks and larks dart past tamaracks, as jackdaws and mallards flap past catalpas and land athwart a larch (sparhawks and caracaras scrawk at blackcaps and avadavats). A bantam jacamar can stand athwart a jacaranda branh and catch all scarabs that gnaw at sassafras bark. A jackal stalks an addax. A Manx cat nabs a pack rat. A black asp crawls past a sawgrass march that has algal tarns.

Macaws caw as a phalanx tramps past a tall alp (a stark crag that dwarfs all scarps and chasms), and at a dark pass all ranks halt, stand fast and attack a vast barracks that has ramparts and catwalks. A Spartan axman as stalwart as Ajax grabs an ax and hacks at a swart clansman: whack, whack. A Rwandan man-at-arms grasps an atlatl and casts a fatal shaft that can stab a grand marshall. A Slav warman as gallant as Galahad (and D’Artagnan) clasps a scabbard and draws a katana that can smash a man’s brassards and slash a man’s flancards. A sharp hand adz can bash a man’s arms and gash a man’s gams: swack, swack.

Alarms clang as a radarman tracks an attack craft that can jam radar and dart past flak at half a Mach: ack-ack-ack, rat-tat-tat. Vaward attacks blast apart hangars and tarmacs: blam, blam. Plasma blasts scald asphalt; napalm blasts parch macadam (glass shards acts as haphazard abradants that sandblast all landwrack). Tanks clank and clank, as halftracks attack flatcars and tramcars: bang, bang. Cars and vans crash. A Mazda hatchback and a Saab smack a tram: wham, wham. A mad labman at a lab crafts an anthrax gas that can waft past all walls at a stalag and harm war camps that lack standard gas masks.

Hassan gags and has an asthma attack – a catarrh as fatal as lhasa and hanta. Cramps as sharp as darts and barbs jab and jag at gastral tracts. Carpal pangs gnarl a man’s hands and cramp a man’s palms. Hassan asks that a shaman abstract a talc cataplasm that can thwart a blatant rash (raw scars that can scar a man’s scalp and gall a man’s glans: scratch, scratch). A warm saltbath can blanch all plantar warts and stanch all palatal scabs. A transplant can patch a basal gland. A bald shah barfs and farts as a labman bawls: ‘plasma, stat’ (alas, alack: a shah has a grand mal spasm and, ahh, gasps a schwa, as a last gasp).

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Heart U


Uwkwurd grummur uppuls u cruftsmun. U Dudu burd us duft us Tzuru dumns stugnunt urt und scruwls un ulphu (u slupdush urc und u buckwurd jug) thut murs ull stunzus und jums ull bulluds (whut u scundul). U mudcup vundul crufts u smull bluck unkh – u hundstump thut cun stump u wux pud und ut lust plunt u murk thut spurks un urs mugnu (un ubstruct urt thut churts u phrusul unugrum). U pugun skuld chunts u durk sugu (u Muhubhurutu), us u pupul cubul bluckbulls ull unnuls und tructs, ull drumus und psulms: Kunt und Kufku, Murx und Murut. U luw us hursh us u futwu buns ull purugruphs thut luck un U us u stundurd hullmurk.

Hussun Ubd ul-Hussud, un Ughu Kuhn, busks ut un ushrum – u Tuj Muhul thut hus grund purks und gruss luwns, ull us vust us purklunds ut Ulhumbru und Vulhullu. Hussun cun, ut u hundclup, cull u vussul ut hund und usk thut ull stuff plun u bucchunul – u gulu bull thut hus whut pugun churm smull gulus luck. Hussun clups, und (tuh-duh) un Urub luss ut u swunk spu cun druw u mun’s buth und wush u mun’s buth, us Urub luds fuwn und hung, uthwurt un ultur, umurunth gurlunds us frugrunt us uttur – u bulm thut culms ull ungst. U dwurf cun flup u brunch thut funs u fut muhurujuh. U nuphthu lump cun cust u culm wurmth.

Hussun usks thut u vussul grunt u mun whut munnu u mun wunts: Uluskun crubs, ulfulfu sulud und kushu, Muluhut clums, lusugnu pustu und sulsu. Hussun wunts Kulumutu shuwurmu, cussubununus und turumusulutu. Hussun gnuws ut u culf flunk und chuws ut u lumb shunk, us u churmun churs u bluck buss und sults u blund curp. Hussun scurfs buck gruvlux und spruts, cruwdud und pruwns, bulks ut Purmu hum, und hus, us u snuck, cururd ò l’ununus sufrun. Hussun usks thut u vussul grunt u mun jum turts und bununus, jum fluns und curubus, hulvu, puppudum und chulluh, bubku, fusnucht und bukluvu.

Hussun cun wutch cuncun guls chu-chu-chu, us bruss bunds blut juzz ruzzmutuzz (whut u cluss uct). Rupt funs ut u bundstund cun wutch juzzbunds thut scut u wultz und u sumbu. Funs clup us u fut-cut juzzmun und u bud-uss bussmun blub gungstu rup – u gunglund fud thut uttucks whut Bruhms und Frunck cull urt: u Bulkun czurdus, u Turtur tunduvu (surubunds thut cun churm u sultunt chup ut u dunzu). Buck cun cruft u Cutulun surdunu thut uttructs l’Ufghun cuntunt ò l’umunt dunsunt. U sux druwls tunturus (ull U-fluts und un U-shurp): fu-lu-lu-lu-lu. U murucu rusps cuntutus. U luss us sud us u swun twungs u gluss hurp.

Hussun cun usk thut u burmun ut u bur tup u cusk und druw u mun u druft (hulf u drum, u gluss): murc, gruppu und urmugnuc, mult, urruck un schnupps. Gungs thut uct us cruss us Hurvurd gruds ut u frut (Gummu Kuppu Lumbdu) cluck tunkurds und guwk ut u gul, us u gul dubs ut bluck muscuru. Rush luds thut huruss vumps und buwds cutcull u brush trump: ‘curumbu – whut u turt.’ U bucchunt lud usks u mudum (us druchmus puss hunds): ‘whut curnul ucts cun u mun trunsuct?’ U gul cun grub u mun’s bulls und wunk u mun’s shuft; u mun cun grusp u gul’s bru und spunk u gul’s uss. U clusp snups upurt, und u scunt shuwl fulls.

Hussun wunts u cutnup und grubs, us u culmunt, hush, gruss und smuck, khut, gunju und tubuc – un umulgum thut cun spurk u phurmucul flushbuck. Hussun fulls sluck, urms uspruwl, und hus u nup thut spuwns durk phuntusmutu. Sutun stunds buck, ubuck u dumusk urrus, und druws u fructul mundulu – u churm thut cun trup whut u Cuthur suvunt culls un ‘ustrul uvutur’ (purt mun, purt but – ull fung und cluw) – u phuntusm thut cun snurl und gnush ut u curcuss. U funtust chunts ‘ubrucudubru’ us u muntru, wugs u wund, und (zup) u sundgluss crucks. U hud us mud us Cussundru wurns u shuh thut bud kurmu uttructs phuntusmul cutuclusms.

Hussun bulks ut ull sucrul tusks – u muss ut Subbuth, u fust ut Rumudun: ‘whut Kubbuluh und Bruhmunu cun mutch bluckjuck und buccurut?’ Hussun brugs thut u cruckujuck chump ut curds lucks whut knuck Hussun hus ut crups. U curdshurp, smurt ut cunustu, hus u scum: murk u puck, pulm u juck. (U curdmutch cun uct us u sturchurt thut mups futu urcunu.) U shuh huzurds ull cush, stunds put und culls. U futul pull wrucks u cusbuh, us u churlutun funs u grundslum hund (‘dumn, durn, drut’ runts u bruggurt). U ruscul suluums und thunks Ulluh thut u bunk cun uwurd u mun u stuch thut druwfs whut ulms u ruj cun umuss.

Hussun drufts u Mugnu Curtu und usks thut u tuxmun puss u Tux Uct – u cush grub thut cun tux ull furmlund und grunt u dusturd ut curds whut hurd cush Hussun lucks. Hussun usks thut un upt druftsmun mup whut runchlund u runchhund cun furm: ull grusslunds und pumpus, ull murshlunds und swumps, flutlunds und suvunnuhs (stundurd budlunds thut spuwn chupurrul und crubgruss). Hussun usks thut ull furmhunds ut furms plunt flux und uwurd Hussun, us u tux, hulf whut struw u lundsmun cun stush ut u burn. U runchmun ut u runch wurns cumpugnurds thut u shuh hus sput ut hurd-und-fust luws thut bun cudustrul gruft.

Hussun cun tux u Suhurun curuvun thut curts pucks und sucks pust buzuurs ut Uswun un Rubut, Busru und Dukur. Stulls ut ull murts huwk Buccurut gluss. Stunds ut ull mulls huwk Mucussur bruss. U huggurd ulmsmun cun drug u hundcurt und huwk gluss jurs (rucks und rucks): ugur-ugur – dummur luc und bulsum sup (hulf u frunc, u flusk). U drub wushmun, hulf-clud ut u wushstund, cun wush ufghuns und cuftuns, sunduls und tuburds, us u rugmun durns rugs und huwks rugtug gurb: slucks, pujumus und punts, scurfs, cruvuts und sputs. U chupmun und u stundurd hutstund cun huwk punumu huts, cunvus cups und turtun tums.

Hussun cun tux ull bunul trush thut vugrunts ut u pluzu puwn und swup: unt furms und luvu lumps, rut trups und luwn durts – chuff und druff thut jumpucks ull trushcuns. U trushmun und u scrupmun cun puwn scrup purts: funs, umps und u dushlump, ruds, cums und u cumshuft, gus tunks und clumps, cur jucks und strups, hund-crunks thut cun crunk u crunkshuft. U lumpmun ut u lumpstund cun huwk Urgund lumps (ull brunds): urc lumps und gus lumps, flushlumps thut flush ut hulf u wutt. U suwmun cun huwk ull hundsuws und hucksuws, ull bundsuws und bucksuws, shurp suws thut suw upurt u flut-suwn plunk.

Hussun ut Urub tulks cun cunvuss ull sutrups und usk thut Urub bunks buck whut grund pluns Hussun hus (dumns und cunuls ut Punumu, urks und whurfs ut Huvunu – tusks thut, us u druwbuck, wurrunt whut Hussun culls ‘u hursh tux plun’). Hussun lucks tuct, und (ulus) u rujuh’s blutunt surcusm spurks u flugrunt bucklush us rumpunt us u vundul’s wruth. Hussun grundstunds ut u grundstund, us ull thrulls lush buck, wug plucurds und sturt bruwls thut trush ruttun cubunus (whut u frucus). U muhurujuh usks thut u hungmun hung ull busturds und luggurds thut u luwmun cun cutch.

Hussun cun wutch, ughust, us dutubunks ut NUSDUQ gruph hurd dutu und churt u NUSDUQ crush – u shurp full thut ulurms stuff ut u Munhuttun bunk. Hussun ucts fust, runsucks cushbugs ut u mud dush, und grubs whut bunk drufts u bunk brunch ut Cusubluncu cun cusg; murks, runds und buhts. Hussun usks thut un udmun druft u wunt ud thut cun huwk whut cunvus urt Hussun hus (u Crunuch, u Cussutt und u Chugull). Hussun cun fust-tulk u chup ut u wutchstund und puwn u smull wutch thut hus, us u wutchgluss, u stur pudpurudschuh (hulf u grund, u curut). U shuh cun puck u bug, flug u cub und scrum, cutch-us-cutch-cun.

Hussun hus u duchu ut Kuzukhstun, und ut u smull shuck Hussun cun hutch u durk plun. Hussun wunts buck whut pust lundmuss u shuh hus hud (vucunt tructs thut spun us fur us Khunubud und Ushkubud, Kunduhur und Sumurkund – lundmurks thut Kuzukh unurchs smush upurt und suck). Hussun cun scun un utlus thut mups Muduguscur und ull lunds ufur: Juvu, Multu und Jupun, Chud, Ghunu und Qutur, Cunudu und Luplund, Rwundu und Mulubur. Hussun cun scun un ulmunuc thut churts fucts und stuts ut Dullus, Suvunnuh und Utluntu (Kunsus, Urkunsus und Ulubumu). Hussun usks thut bunks ut Wursuw und Gdunsk fux Hussun u fux.

Hussun cun sturt u wur. Hussun murshuls un urmudu thut cun uttuck Juvun whurfs ut Jukurtu. Hussun usks thut ull sumpuns truwl cunuls und churt thulussul huzurds (sundbunks thut cun strund u smull burk, cuturucts thut cun thwurt u bulsu ruft); cutumuruns us fust us nurwhuls dush pust u sundbur und rum ull nuvul cruft thut luck bulust ut lundfull. Musts snup. Spurs wurp. U gungplunk crucks us buckwush slums u curruck und swumps u cunvus turp (splush, splush). U ruftsmun und u hutchmun burk ‘uvust’ und clump u hutch, us ull hunds mun u cupstun und tuck lundwurd, hurd ubuft. U dump flug flups ut hulf-must.

Hussun cun wutch us ull hunds lund u smull wurcruft und cump ut u luvu sundflut – u busult strund thut hus tur sunds us bluck us mugmu ush. Wusps und gnuts swurm us ull hunds stuck sundbugs und sturt u Spurtun cump. U cumpmun, smurt ut cumpcruft, cun spurk u mutch und wurm us ushpun thut thuws whut hurdtuck u clun wunts: brun mush und lurd, spum hush und sult, bullpurk frunks und flupjuck stucks (ull sturch und fut). U puckmun ut cump pucks u buckpuck, u knupsuck und u pucksuck. U wutchmun stunds wutch, us ull runks ut duwn uct us puwn thut cun murshull udumunt bruwn und murch u hursh wurputh.

Hussun cun wutch us u murksmun trucks u stug, u hurt und u fuwn, und ut lust bugs u rum (u bwunu us smurt us Turzun cun trup ull mummuls: ulpucus und llumus, curuculs und pundus, uurdvurks thut cun cutch lurvul unts). Huwks und lurks durt pust tumurucks, us juckduws und mullurds flup pust cutulpus und lund uthwurt u lurch (spurhuwks und curucurus scruwk ut bluckcups und uvuduvuts). U buntum jucumur cun stund uthwurt u jucurundu brunh und cutch ull scurubs thut gnuw ut sussufrus burk. U juckul stulks un uddux. U Munx cut nubs u puck rut. U bluck usp cruwls pust u suwgruss murch thut hus ulgul turns.

Mucuws cuw us u phulunx trumps pust u tull ulp (u sturk crug thut dwurfs ull scurps und chusms), und ut u durk puss ull runks hult, stund fust und uttuck u vust burrucks thut hus rumpurts und cutwulks. U Spurtun uxmun us stulwurt us Ujux grubs un ux und hucks ut u swurt clunsmun: whuck, whuck. U Rwundun mun-ut-urms grusps un utlutl und custs u futul shuft thut cun stub u grund murshull. U Sluv wurmun us gullunt us Guluhud (und D’Urtugnun) clusps u scubburd und druws u kutunu thut cun smush u mun’s brussurds und slush u mun’s fluncurds. U shurp hund udz cun bush u mun’s urms und gush u mun’s gums: swuck, swuck.

Ulurms clung us u rudurmun trucks un uttuck cruft thut cun jum rudur und durt pust fluk ut hulf u Much: uck-uck-uck, rut-tut-tut. Vuwurd uttucks blust upurt hungurs und turmucs: blum, blum. Plusmu blusts sculd usphult; nupulm blusts purch mucudum (gluss shurds ucts us huphuzurd ubrudunts thut sundblust ull lundwruck). Tunks clunk und clunk, us hulftrucks uttuck flutcurs und trumcurs: bung, bung. Curs und vuns crush. U Muzdu hutchbuck und u Suub smuck u trum: whum, whum. U mud lubmun ut u lub crufts un unthrux gus thut cun wuft pust ull wulls ut u stulug und hurm wur cumps thut luck stundurd gus musks.

Hussun gugs und hus un usthmu uttuck – u cuturrh us futul us lhusu und huntu. Crumps us shurp us durts und burbs jub und jug ut gustrul tructs. Curpul pungs gnurl u mun’s hunds und crump u mun’s pulms. Hussun usks thut u shumun ubstruct u tulc cutuplusm thut cun thwurt u blutunt rush (ruw scurs thut cun scur u mun’s sculp und gull u mun’s gluns: scrutch, scrutch). U wurm sultbuth cun blunch ull pluntur wurts und stunch ull pulutul scubs. U trunsplunt cun putch u busul glund. U buld shuh burfs und furts us u lubmun buwls: ‘plusmu, stut’ (ulus, uluck: u shuh hus u grund mul spusm und, uhh, gusps u schwu, us u lust gusp).